Time Management Skills
One of the things I’m a sucker for before. But I learned how to manage my time, make each hour of my life count, because time is gold. Time is money. So make sure you manage it well.This is not only about working hours. This is also dedicating your hours on that task, estimate how long you should finish a certain task. I was scolded before because it took me almost 3 hours to edit a single image just because I want to re-arrange the look, make it look great when the needed image is just simple. LOL. So yeah, don’t do that. Remember, time is gold, if you’re paid cheap for a task, don’t invest too much time on it. If you can do a lot of task in an hour, then imagine how much you’ll get, but remember you’ll still need to deliver the quality of work that is expected.
This is what a lot of first time freelancers totally go wrong, and just lose their clients and their team mates starting to hate them.If you don’t have a self-discipline then you may have been doing either of this two. (1) Doing something else within your working hours, or dedicated hours for your work. Like instead of working, you’re checking your Facebook, your friend’s posts or chatting with them, or playing a game, or other stuff not related to your work. (2) You’re working all the time at home, no break. Because you see a computer, with an internet, you’ll then starting to think about work, then you just don’t notice that you’re already working when it’s time to relax, or take a break. – I’m guilty of this. I’m working almost all the time. Then my just let me dogs into my room so I can be distracted, force to take a break and go outside and play with them.
If you notice my description, or even check my experience and skills, I cover a lot of stuff. I can do video editing, photo editing, programming, social media management, and SEO service. Before, people hire me for a bargain and they get to take advantage to all of my skills. What’s great about this is that you’ll be able to explore other areas, other jobs that you might blossom more, jobs that you might be happier.Also, with this you’ll be able to learn new things, learn more on your field, and get more clients. Growing is really important, because if you’ll stick to what you just know then someone else will take over because they’re more open and more updated.
Being a freelancer is hard, especially if you’re still starting up. It’s hard to adjust, hard to find clients, hard to stick with the quality of work, to catch up with work, and catch up with what is expected from you from your boss.Were there a time when I don’t have a client at all? Yes. There were months that I didn’t have a client, no money, no way to pay bills, give support money to my parents, and all. I’m no super girl, that I gained long term clients right away. I was there before. It’s just now, I am able to build up my name, my portfolio, the proof that I do my job, that I am real, that I deliver.
What’s the secret? Just be persistent. It doesn’t mean that you’re being rejected in a job is like the end of the world, it just mean that there’s a better job for you, and that job you wanted is not fit for you.
Let me tell you another secret, mix being persistent with prayers. I’m not trying to be like a nun here, just saying. It works! God listens, you just have to ask him and act on it.
Thing is, all these characteristics, can be learned, can be developed. Heck, I didn’t have all these before when I started, I just want to work, earn money, and dedicate my skills for my success and my client’s success.
Just a tip, don’t take everything you have for granted, if you’re given a job, or got a job, do your best. Especially when you’re working online, your resume or portfolio don’t fill out themselves or grow themselves, you need proof and work hard on it, have happy clients endorse you, and the best way to do that is deliver the best out of you.
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Photo Credits: nenetus